Amending aviation legislation affecting the Territories and the Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements (OTARs) requires the co-operation of the Overseas Territories Aviation Authorities (OTAAs) and the civil aviation industry of the Territories. It is essential that proposed changes in the regulatory framework are considered by as wide a cross-section of the industry as possible to ensure their relevance and effectiveness.

Proposed changes will normally be available via this website. If you would like to be notified when material is available for review and comment, please register for Email Alerts at the bottom of this page.

Air Safety Support International (ASSI) formal consultation process is detailed in Policy 30 - Consultation.

Legislation for Consultation

Find out more about proposed changes to the Air Navigation (Overseas Territories) Order and the Air Navigation (Overseas Territories) (Environmental Standards) Order.

OTARs for Consultation

Find out more about proposed changes to the Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements (OTARs)

OTACs for Consultation

Find out more about proposed changes to the Overseas Territories Aviation Circulars (OTACs)

Policies for Consultation

Find out more about changes being proposed to the Policies.

Consultation Logs

ASSI publishes a log of the comments received during consultation on OTARs and OTACs.

Notice(s) of Proposed Amendment (NPA)

ASSI has undertaken to provide stakeholders with advance notification of  impending changes to OTARs by means of Overseas Territories Aviation Notice(s) of Proposed Amendment (NPA).

The NPAs provide a general explanation of the forthcoming changes and assesses the impact of the change. The NPA(s) will be followed by the OTAR amendment and formal consultation period.

Hands fitting cogs together


Find out more about legislation relating to air safety in the United Kingdom's Overseas Territories.

Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements

Find the latest issue of all the OTAR Parts. These are the versions which should be referred to for regulatory requirements.


Find out more about the Policies.