Please note the Safety Bulletin will now be published every 6 months unless specific issues require the issue of an interim Bulletin.
In this issue
Busy, or not so busy, you always need to manage those hazards
At the start of this year ASSI sent out a request for operational data to the Service Providers we regulate. This information, alongside other data, gives us a better insight into the changes and challenges that Service Providers face along with any associated hazards.Factors that can reduce the effectiveness of Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) equipment
ICAO has for some years now mandated that States implement regulations to ensure that aircraft are equipped with a ground proximity warning system which has a forward looking terrain avoidance function (commonly referred to as TAWs or EGPWS). There are factors that can reduce the effectiveness of GPWS equipment.SARPs?
The UK is a signatory to the Chicago Convention which established the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO). The UK, as a contracting state to that Convention, includes the Overseas Territories and so the obligations under the Convention also apply.Managing hazards together, those with an SMS or not
Both airlines’ and aerodromes’ Safety Management Systems (SMS) need to manage hazards throughout their operations. It is important that all SMSs ‘talk to each other’ and take account of third parties without an SMS.Safety Communication Bulletin - Leaking Shaw Aero Devices flush mounted Fuel Caps Part No. 416-50
Since 1983 there have been a number of fatal aircraft accidents involving loss of engine power caused by rain, or water used in aircraft washing, entering the fuel tanks.Dangerous Goods carried by passengers and crew
Small lithium battery-powered personal transportation devices are being carried by air as cargo and by passengers in checked and/or carry-on baggage in increasing numbers. Examples of these devices include hover boards, self-balancing single or multi-wheels, and mini segways.
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Please note the Safety Bulletin will now be published every 6 months unless specific issues require the issue of an interim Bulletin.
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