Justin Rothwell

Justin Rothwell - Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Justin started his career in aviation as a SE flying instructor and ME turboprop pilot. Following his operational experience, Justin joined the UK CAA working for over 10 years in aerodrome policy and standardisation and aerodrome inspection before joining ASSI in 2013.

In November 2023 Justin was appointed Chief Executive Officer. His key responsibilities include: establishing the strategic direction of ASSI; overall management of the company's activities to the standards required by law, by the CAA and by our Board; and overall company finances – within the budget determined by the Board.

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VoIP: +44 3301 383372

Phill Morris

Phill Morris - Chief Operating Officer

Phill's key responsibilities within the company include all operations issues, day to day management and incorporation of international requirements into ASSI systems and procedures.

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VoIP: +44 (0)330 138 2981

Peter Moule

Peter Moule - OT Assurance Manager

Before joining ASSI, Peter worked for the CAA for almost 25 years, in a series of airworthiness roles, including design certification, production, maintenance and continued airworthiness. He was also a Senior SAFA Surveyor. His final role within the CAA was as the Continued Airworthiness Manager, with responsibilities for identifying and mitigating new and emerging risks.

Prior to joining the CAA, Peter worked at British Aerospace for 13 years on the BAe 146 / Avro RJ projects, completing an apprenticeship and working in the airworthiness team on the aircraft certification activity.

In accordance with designations, the OT Assurance Manager’s role is responsible for direct aviation safety regulation of all areas in Anguilla, British Virgin Islands, Montserrat and St Helena, for certain functions in the Falkland Islands and for aviation security oversight in all Territories where there is civil aviation activity. In addition this role co-ordinates regular assessments of the OTAAs to ensure that aviation regulation in a Territory is being conducted effectively.

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VoIP: +44 3301 382787

Mark Baker

Mark Baker - Safety Development Manager

Before joining the UK CAA Mark worked in airline operations overseeing the operation of a number of aircraft types from King Air to Boeing 757.  These covered mail, cargo and passenger flights around the world for a diverse range of clients.  In 2008 he joined the UK CAA as an Aerodrome Operations Inspector providing support to the Aerodromes Strategy and Standards team and aerodrome training, audit oversight and consultancy for various aerodrome projects outside the UK on behalf of CAA International.

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VoIP: +44 3301 383371

Laurence Baxter

Laurence Baxter - Policy and Rulemaking Manager

Laurence joined ASSI in 2024 as manager of the policy and rulemaking team.

VoIP: +44 (0)3301 382092

Tommy Brown

Tommy Brown - ATS Inspector

Tommy began his aviation career as an air traffic controller in the Royal Air Force before transferring to the Royal Navy and subsequently re-training as a civil ATCO with NATS in 2003.  He worked at a variety of  airports both in the UK and overseas as a controller, instructor, examiner and FISO, including 2 periods as an Area Controller at West Drayton and Swanwick. In the wider context, Tommy has also filled management and aviation appointments in the USA, the Middle East and Far East. He joined ASSI in 2019 from an Aviation Safety Management role with the Qatar CAA. 

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VoIP: +44 3301 383389

Clare Bury

Clare Bury - Training Manager

Clare has 20 years experience working in the international aviation regulatory environment. As Training Manager for ASSI, she is responsible for the provision of training to establish and maintain competency of ASSI staff. She also works with the Aviation Regulators in the Overseas Territories to develop their training management systems and to provide training to support their staff development.

In addition, Clare works on safety promotion initiatives targetted on specific issues.

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VoIP: +44 3301 383362

Sam Cosmos

Sam Cosmos - Training Coordinator

Sam joined ASSI in 2024.

Tel: +44 (0)3301 383223

Mike Butler

Mike Butler - Legal Adviser

A practising lawyer for over 40 years who has specialised in aviation law for the past 25 years during which time he has undertaken advisory projects in many parts of the world, including Africa, Asia, Europe, Middle East and Caribbean. Co-author of the 8th edition of An Introduction to Air Law published by Kluwer. He has been legal adviser to ASSI since its formation and was a member of the team that undertook the study on the Overseas Territories for the Department of Transport.

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VoIP: +44 3301 383368

Bruce D'Ancey

Bruce D'Ancey - Policy Specialist Flight Operations

Bruce obtained his PPL when he was 18, but his professional aviation career started when he joined the Royal Navy, where he served as both an aircraft engineer and helicopter pilot. Upon leaving the Service, he worked in the offshore oil industry as a pilot, engineering planning manager and Base Manager, located in Aberdeen and later the Shetland Islands. He then moved into flight safety and security, working for the BALPA, and subsequently IFALPA, where he became involved in international flight safety and security issues and the work of ICAO.  Bruce was a member of an international industry group that was tasked by ICAO to develop the Global Aviation Safety Roadmap, now incorporated into ICAO's Global Aviation Safety Plan.  He joined ASSI in 2012.

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VoIP: +44 3301 383375

Peter Davidson

Peter Davidson - Airworthiness Surveyor

Peter started his aviation career when he joined the Royal Navy, where he served as an aircraft engineer. Since leaving the service, he has worked extensively in civil aviation, performing many varied engineering management and quality compliance roles within airline related maintenance companies, both at home and abroad. Recently returning from China, where he worked for a large international maintenance organisation in Shanghai, he joined ASSI as an Airworthiness Surveyor in June 2017.

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VoIP: +44 3301 383384

John Deeley

John Deeley - Airworthiness Surveyor

John joined the ASSI Airworthiness Team from industry in January 2024 bringing over 40 years of experience in aircraft and component maintenance and oversight of organisations holding UK CAA, EASA, FAA and TCCA Approvals.

Having started his career as an avionic apprentice in 1980 and spending time in hangers, ramp and workshop environments, John moved into Quality and Compliance in 2005.

When not providing airworthiness support for the Overseas Territories, John will usually be found walking or cycling in the Welsh hills.

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VoIP: +44 (0)3301 383194

Mark Denney

Mark Denney - Communication, Navigation & Surveillance Inspector (Telecommunications)

Mark joined ASSI in 2003 from the UK CAA's Air Traffic Service Standards Department

Here he was engaged for 13 years in the safety regulation of CNS (communication, navigation, surveillance) systems in relation to approvals, requirements and policy setting.

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VoIP: +44 3301 383365

Marcus Doller

Marcus Doller - Assessment Manager

Marcus has worked for ASSI since 2003 and currently manages the Overseas Territories Assessment programme.  He also provides personnel licensing advice and assistance (with particular focus on air traffic and maintenance engineer licensing and medical certification) to all the Overseas Territories and direct regulatory oversight where appropriate.

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VoIP: +44 3301 383363

Mike Fazackerley

Mike Fazackerley - Aviation Security Standards Inspector

Mike began his career as a pilot in the Royal Air Force before moving into civil aviation. After several years with the charter airline Dan-Air, he transferred into airport management with Manchester Airport where he spent 25-years in various roles including Customer Services Director. When Mike left Manchester Airports Group in 2012 his extensive experience in aviation security and policing led to a variety of commissions, including the opportunity to lead the transfer of responsibility, for aviation security in the British Overseas Territories, from DfT to ASSI. Mike has remained with ASSI to develop and embed aviation security regulations and guidance.
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VoIP: +44 3301 383379

Garth Gray

Garth Gray - Flight Operations Inspector

Garth joined the team in April 2018.

VoIP: +44 3301 383386

Sumal Kodippili

Sumal Kodippili - Systems Lead and Inspecting Officer

A graduate aerospace engineer with over 8 years of aviation industry and regulatory experience. Sumal’s role within ASSI covers a wide range of technical tasks including Dangerous Goods Inspections, Ramp Inspections, Safety Assurance and assisting in the development of cyber security regulations. Being the ASSI Systems Lead responsible for the upkeep of the regulatory management systems, Sumal drives various projects to enhance organisational capabilities.  Before joining ASSI, Sumal worked in the UK CAA Safety Data and Intelligence team, the GA Unit and the Dangerous Goods teams delivering standardisation projects while developing and gaining valuable regulatory experiences. Sumal also worked in the Industry with GE Aviation, delivering operational excellence and process improvement projects.

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VoIP: +44 3301 383383

Peter Lavender

Peter Lavender - Flight Ops Inspector

Peter has worked with ASSI in the past but joined full-time in February 2020.

VoIP: +44 3301 383385

Claire Longden

Claire Longden - Policy Lead and Aviation Security Standards Inspector

Claire joined the Av Sec team in 2023.

VoIP: +44 3301 382763

Geoffrey Smith

Geoffrey Smith - Aerodrome and ATS Inspector

Geoffrey began his career in Bermuda as an air traffic controller and assisted on multiple aerodrome compliance projects. He left Bermuda in 2015 to work for Navblue and to undertake a graduate degree before eventually joining the UK CAA in 2016 where he worked in personnel licensing and the UAS Unit as a UAS Inspector.

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Alison Thomas

Alison Thomas - Technical & Planning Liaison Officer

Alison has worked for ASSI since its establishment in 2003. She has a broad scope of responsibilities including assisting with the governance of ASSI (production and monitoring of ASSI Business and Continuity Plans); contract management (Meteorology); direct regulation (flight crew licensing) and managing our relationship with ICAO (ensuring completion of ICAO Continuous Monitoring Tools for the Overseas Territories and co-ordinating responses to State Letters).

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VoIP: +44 3301 383367

Miranda Waters

Miranda Waters - Receptionist, Secretary, Company Financial Administrator and Webmaster

Miranda joined us from the CAA and is the PA to the CEO, additionally responsible for finance administration and maintenance and development of our website.

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VoIP: +44 3301 383366

Sean Widmark

Sean Widmark - Aviation Security Standards Inspector

Sean Widmark has joined the ASSI team as our first, permanent, aviation security specialist. Sean was previously with the UK CAA's team of aviation security inspectors.

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VoIP: +44 3301 383381

Jayne Woods

Jayne Woods - Technical Co-ordinator

Jayne joined ASSI permanently in September 2009 following an 18-month secondment from CAA International.  Jayne's role covers a wide range of technical support tasks, including co-ordination of ICAO’s Continuous Monitoring Approach tools and ICAO State Letters, issuance of Staff Authorisations, supporting regulatory projects, production of the bi-annual Overseas Territories Safety Bulletin and being involved with other promotional material as appropriate. She also acts as IT Co-ordinator and Data Manager for ASSI, ensuring that ASSI process personal data appropriately.

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VoIP: +44 3301 383309