This section of the site deals with the regulation of flight crew and aircraft operations; private, corporate, aerial work and commercial air transport. With regard to aircraft operations, particular emphasis is placed upon commercial air transport, which is the carriage of passengers, cargo and mail for hire or reward, where requirements are more stringent than for other operations.

For flight crew the relevant sections are Part 4 – Aircraft Crew and Licensing and Schedule 3 – Licences of the Air Navigation (Overseas Territories) Order. For aircraft operations, they are principally within Part 9 - Air Operator's Certificates, Part 7 - Operation of Aircraft and Part 5 - Protection of Crew.

The means of compliance with the AN(OT)O are contained in various Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements (OTARs).

These OTARs are supported by Overseas Territories Aviation Circulars (OTACs), providing further guidance on the requirements. The OTAR and OTAC sections of the site explain the status and operation of OTARs and OTACs in greater detail and contain the most up to date versions of the various documents. These documents are also downloadable.

Operating an aircraft on a UK Overseas Territory Register

The regulation of flight operations activities is slowly moving away from the traditional prescriptive modular approach to a more systemic approach. This is in line with changes being made internationally through the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) and the International Air Transport Association (IATA). This was facilitated by the introduction of Quality Management Systems in commercial flight operations organisations, and is being enhanced with the introduction of the requirement for Safety Management Systems.

Obtaining an Air Operator Certificate (AOC)

The Air Operator Certificate (AOC) and the associated Operations Specifications, provide the basis for ASSI to regulate the activities of an operator and it is the means by which an air operator is authorised to conduct commercial air transport operations, in compliance with the applicable regulations. It also acts as a means to exercise continued safety oversight of an operator.

The Certification Process for an AOC application is a complex and demanding one (for both ASSI and the applicant) and is in line with the International Civil Aviation Organisation's (ICAO) 5 Phase process. Find out more about the certification process for an AOC.

Applications for the renewal of an AOC should be made directly to ASSI. Find out more about renewing an AOC.

Foreign Operator Permissions

Find out more about the permission required to operate commercial flights to and from UK Overseas Territories in an aircraft not registered in a UK Overseas Territory or in the UK (an Article 135 Permission).

Personnel Licensing

Find out more about the requirements for licensing flight crews.

Format of ASSI Issued Personnel Licensing Documents

This page provides guidance on the format of ASSI PEL documents, the use of digital signatures and the cessation of hard copy documentation.

Medical Standards

Find out more about medical issues for pilots, including a list of approved medical examiners in the Overseas Territories.

Application Forms

Apply for the initial issue or renewal of a flight crew validation certificate.

light aircraft in flight

Notice to Operators

This Safety Bulletin is to notify all UK Overseas Territory commercial air transport operators of a new Commission Regulation regarding Third Country Operators (TCO) - Regulation (EU) No 452/2014.

Regulatory Response Times

Guidance on the minimum amount of time that can be expected for ASSI to complete a specific regulatory task.

Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements

The Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements (OTARs) describe the means by which aircraft operators, aviation personnel and providers of services can gain approvals, licences and certificates and the process through which these are maintained. This process ensures adequate levels of safety and internationally agreed standards are met. Find OTARs specifically related to this section of the website.