This area of the website deals with the regulation of Airports and Air Traffic Services including Instrument  Flight Procedures, Flight Checking of Navigational Aids, Emergency Planning, Safeguarding and Aeronautical Information Publications.

The requirements for aerodrome certification and Air Traffic Services (ATS) are laid down in the Air Navigation (Overseas Territories) Order (AN(OT)O) principally within Parts 16-19 (Articles 138-165).

The means of compliance with the AN(OT)O are contained within the Overseas Territories Aviation Requirement (OTAR) Parts. These OTARs are supported by Overseas Territories Aviation Circulars (OTACs) which provide further guidance on the requirements. The status and operation of OTARs and OTACs is explained in greater detail in the Requirements and Policy section of this website.

Aerodromes used for international air services require a Certificate issued by the Governor. The requirements for the issue of the certificate are contained in the OTARs, which fulfil the requirements of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO). The requirements identify standards for:

  • Aerodrome Manual
  • Aerodrome management systems
  • Obstacle Limitation Surfaces
  • Runways and approach aids
  • Taxiways
  • Technical equipment, installations and maintenance
  • Heliports
  • Aeronautical studies (risk assessments)

Since 2003, ICAO have required that aerodromes have a Safety Management System (SMS), and the OTARs also require this approach. Wherever possible we encourage Air Traffic Support and airports to produce an integrated SMS to ensure that all aspects of the airport and Air Traffic Control operations are seamlessly integrated through a structured focus on safety.

Instrument Flight Procedures

Find out more about Instrument Flight Procedures.

Flight Checking of Navigational Aids

Find out more about Flight Checking of Navigational Aids.

Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B) Systems

Find out more about the potential shortcomings  associated with the use of generic third-party ADS-B display systems.

Emergency Planning

Find out more about the role and responsibilities associated with Emergency Planning.


Find out more about the role of Aerodromes in Safeguarding.

Aeronautical Information Publications (AIPs)

Information on Aeronautical Information Publications (AIPs) in the UK Overseas Territories.

Air Traffic Services

Find out more about Air Traffic Services including personnel licensing and medical standards.

Application Forms

Apply for an Air Traffic Controller licence or an Aerodrome Certificate.

Air control tower

Air Traffic Services

Find out more about Air Traffic Services including licensing and medical standards for air traffic service personnel.

Regulatory Response Times

Guidance on the minimum amount of time that can be expected for ASSI to complete a specific regulatory task.

Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements

The Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements (OTARs) describe the means by which aircraft operators, aviation personnel and providers of services can gain approvals, licences and certificates and the process through which these are maintained. This process ensures adequate levels of safety and internationally agreed standards are met. Find OTARs specifically related to this section of the website.