The requirement for the approval of Air Traffic Services (ATS) units is contained within the Air Navigation (Overseas Territories) Order (AN(OT)O) principally Articles 138 and 153.

The means of compliance with the AN(OT)O are generally contained in:

  • OTAR 171 for Aeronautical Telecommunication Services; and
  • OTAR 172 for Air Traffic Service Organisation Approval

These Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements (OTARs) are supported by Overseas Territories Aviation Circulars (OTACs) providing further guidance on the requirements.

The approval of an ATS Unit (both Air Traffic Control (ATC) operations and engineering) is on the basis of Air Safety Support International (ASSI) receiving proof of the Unit's compliance with the detailed requirements of the OTARs. This is achieved by the submission to the Governor of appropriate Safety Assurance Documentation. This may include:

  • Manual of Air Traffic Services
  • Expositions, detailing how, and by whom, ATS (both operations and engineering) is managed and operated in accordance with safety principles
  • Sample Aerodrome Training Plan. To display correctly, this MS Word document should be viewed in “Print Layout View”.

Additional, or alternative, documents may serve the same purpose and these documents and their contents may not be exactly as described in the OTARs. If they are not, then the Unit may propose their system as an alternative method of achieving an equivalent standard of safety, and the Governor will review the arguments.

Since 2003, International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) have required that ATS has a safety management system, and the OTARs also require this approach. Wherever possible, we encourage ATS and airports to produce an integrated Safety Management System to ensure that all aspects of the airport and ATC operations are seamlessly integrated through a structured focus on safety.

ATS Assessors Handbook

This new version of the ATS Assessors Handbook has been adapted for use as both a reference manual and as an aide-memoire when conducting practical and oral assessments. The revised document also contains updated information on examination techniques and Human Factors.

Personnel Licensing

Find out more about licensing for Air Traffic Service personnel.

Medical Standards

Find out more about medical issues for air traffic controllers, including a list of approved medical examiners in the Overseas Territories.

Report of Operational Duty in Excess of Fatigue Limitations

Download the form for Air Traffic Service Units to report breaches to and modifications of the Fatigue Management Scheme to the Governor.


List of Approved Medical Examiners

Find an approved medical examiner in the Overseas Territories.

Regulatory Response Times

Guidance on the minimum amount of time that can be expected for ASSI to complete a specific regulatory task.

Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements

The Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements (OTARs) describe the means by which aircraft operators, aviation personnel and providers of services can gain approvals, licences and certificates and the process through which these are maintained. This process ensures adequate levels of safety and internationally agreed standards are met. Find OTARs specifically related to this section of the website.