Apply for an Air Traffic Controller Licence

Anguilla, British Virgin Islands and Montserrat only

Applications for air traffic control licences (Full & Student) and ATC unit examinations for Anguilla, British Virgin Islands and Montserrat should be made directly to Air Safety Support International (ASSI).

The application should be made through the Senior Air Traffic Controller in the Overseas Territory and submitted in accordance with the instructions at section 4 of the form.

Applicants in other Overseas Territories should contact the Overseas Territory Aviation Authority (OTAA) in that Territory.

Apply for an Aerodrome Certificate

To apply for the issue, amendment, transfer or surrender of an aerodrome certificate issued by Air Safety Support International, please email to request an application form.

For information about the requirements for aerodrome certification please read the Air Navigation (Overseas Territories) Order and Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements (OTAR) 139.

Report of Operational Duty in Excess of Fatigue Limitations

Download the form for Air Traffic Service Units to report breaches to and modifications of the Fatigue Management Scheme to the Governor. 

Aircraft on runway

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