This section of the site deals with the regulation of aviation security for aerodromes, air traffic service providers and aircraft operators. With regard to aircraft operations, particular emphasis is placed upon commercial air transport, which is the carriage of passengers, cargo and mail for hire or reward, where requirements are more stringent than for other operations.

The responsibility for the regulatory oversight of aviation security in the Overseas Territories was transferred to Air Safety Support International (ASSI) on 1 April 2015. The purpose of the transfer was to align security oversight more closely with that of safety, allowing the industry to benefit from a common approach.

Oversight of aerodrome security is now linked to the aerodrome certificate. The same principle applies for air traffic services approval. For Territory aircraft operators, security is regulated via the Air Operator's Certificate (AOC). This provides a consistent approach to safety and security.

The means of compliance with the AN(OT)O, in respect of aviation security, are contained in Overseas Territories Aviation Requirement (OTAR) Part 178: Aviation Security. This OTAR is not available to download from this website.

OTAR Part 178 is supported by Overseas Territories Aviation Circulars (OTACs) which provide further guidance on the requirements. The most up-to-date versions of the OTACs are available to download by clicking on the OTAR Part 178 link on the OTAC homepage of this website.

National Civil Aviation Security Quality Control Programme

The ‘National Civil Aviation Security Quality Control Programme’ provides details of the approach that will be taken to compliance activities. It forms part of the National Civil Aviation Security Programme in each of the Territories.

Issue 8.00 updated June 2024

Application Forms

Application forms are available for:

  • Av Sec Training Organisation Application
  • Regulated Agent - Approval
  • Security Manager Licence

Submit a Report

Anyone may use our online reporting system to make a report about a security incident, failure or perceived weakness, including a confidential report.  Please note that some security incidents may require immediate notification.  See the reporting requirements for further information.

Contact details

Your points of contact within ASSI, for aviation security matters, are:

Mike Fazackerley
+44 3301 383 379
+44 7534 471757
Sean Widmark
+44 3301 383 381
+44 7827 258031
Claire Longden
+44 3301 382 763
+44 7546 692993

Your point of contact in DfT is:

Oliver Homewood          
Airport Security Check

Submit a Security Incident Report

Anyone may use our online reporting system to make a report about a security incident, failure or perceived weakness, including a confidential report.  Please note that some security incidents may require immediate notification.  See the reporting requirements for further information.

Regulated Agents List

Find out more about the regulation of aviation security for aerodromes, aircraft operators and regulated agents.

Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements (OTARs)

The Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements (OTARs) describe the means by which aircraft operators, aviation personnel and providers of services can gain approvals, licences and certificates and the process through which these are maintained. This process ensures adequate levels of safety and internationally agreed standards are met.

The aviation security requirements that aerodromes, aircraft operators and providers of services must comply with are set out in OTAR 178 – Aviation Security. This OTAR is not available to download from this website.

Overseas Territories Aviation Circulars (OTACs)

Overseas Territories Aviation Circulars (OTACs) are issued to provide advice, guidance and information on standards, practices and procedures to support the Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements (OTARs). They may amplify or provide practical guidance on meeting a requirement. They may also contain administrative material, information of a temporary nature or information published in advance of a formal amendment to OTARs.

Find OTACs relevant to aviation security.