Principles of Aviation Regulation in the UK Overseas Territories (OTs)
Civil Aviation in the United Kingdom Overseas Territories (OT) is governed by legislation (principally the Air Navigation (Overseas Territories) Order (AN(OT)O) and International Conventions and Standards (principally those published by the International Civil Aviation Organisation) with which the United Kingdom, as a State, has agreed to comply. The Civil Aviation Overseas Territories Act 1949 (as extended to the Overseas Territories) provides the framework for Governors’ regulatory powers. The Act also enables the Air Navigation (Overseas Territories) Order to be made to permit the Governor to exercise his/her regulatory obligations, either directly or through a Designated person or organisation. The Order and other Statutory Instruments can be downloaded from the UK Government legislation website.
Find out more about legislation relating to air safety in the Overseas Territories.
Legislation for Consultation
Amendments to the Air Navigation (Overseas Territories) Order (AN(OT)O), and the introduction of the Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements (OTARs) require the co-operation of the Overseas Territories (OT) Director of Civil Aviation (DCA) and the civil aviation industry. Find out more about Legislation for consultation.
Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements (OTARs)
ASSI publishes the OTARs on behalf of Governors of the Overseas Territories (OTs) in support of the Governor’s powers contained in the Air Navigation (Overseas Territories) Order - the AN(OT)O. OTARs provide details of means of compliance with the AN(OT)O which are acceptable to Governors, ASSI and the United Kingdom Government. They describe the way in which aircraft operators, aviation personnel and providers of services can gain approvals and licences, and the process through which these are maintained to ensure adequate levels of safety and internationally-agreed standards are met. They are not intended to supersede or conflict with statutory requirements, and so the obligation to comply with statutory requirements remains. The appropriate authority may accept an alternative means of compliance, provided that the applicant can show that the level of safety will not be reduced below that intended by the requirement. OTAR Part numbers have been allocated because of industry familiarity with the topics and numbering but do not assume that an approval under an OTAR Part equates to an approval under a similarly numbered requirement of another regulatory system or vice versa. They are live requirements and will change over time in response to a variety of factors. This may necessitate re-approval in some cases but, if so, a reasonable period of notification will normally be given.
Overseas Territories Aviation Circulars (OTACs)
Overseas Territories Aviation Circulars (OTACs) are designed to complement the OTARs by providing additional information and guidance on how to meet the requirements. They also provide a means of communicating with the aviation industry on regulatory matters more generally.
The Policies are intended for the use and guidance of regulatory staff of the Territories and for the staff of ASSI. They are key documents controlling the process of regulation in the Territories and are equally applicable throughout the Territories. Find out more about the Policies.
Notice(s) of Proposed Amendment (NPA)
ASSI has undertaken to provide stakeholders with advance notification of impending changes to OTARs by means of Overseas Territories Aviation Notice(s) of Proposed Amendment (NPA). Find out more about NPAs.
State Safety Programme (SSP)
The International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) Annex 19 Safety Management requires a State to establish and maintain a State Safety Programme (SSP) that is commensurate with the size and complexity of the State’s aviation system. It also requires Service Providers to establish a Safety Management System (SMS) that is commensurate to its size and complexity. Find out more about the SSP.
Governor's Instructions
The designated regulator may issue Instructions under Article 41 of the AN(OT)O in respect of the operation and safety of aircraft registered in the Territory or of an aircraft in or over the Territory and the safety and security of persons and property carried or in respect of the instruments and equipment to be installed. Find out more about Instructions issued by ASSI.
The designated regulator may grant an Exemption against specific provisions of the Air Navigation (Overseas Territories) Order. An applicant for an Exemption should provide an appropriate risk assessment relevant to the situation for which the Exemption is sought and a description of the manner in which the risks will be mitigated in accordance with its safety management system, where applicable. Find out more about the Exemptions issued by ASSI.
Accident Investigation Regulations
Under the Civil Aviation Action 1982 (Section 75) as extended to the Territories, Governors are required to make regulations for the investigation of accidents in their respective Territories. Find out more about the Regulations made in each Territory.

Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements
Find the latest issue of all the OTAR Parts. These are the versions which should be referred to for regulatory requirements.
Air Navigation (Overseas Territories) Order
Find out more about the Air Navigation (Overseas Territories) Order (AN(OT)O) and its amendments
Consulting You
Amending aviation legislation affecting the Territories and the Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements (OTARs) requires the co-operation of the Overseas Territories Aviation Authorities (OTAAs) and the civil aviation industry of the Territories. It is essential that proposed changes in the regulatory framework are considered by as wide a cross-section of the industry as possible to ensure their relevance and effectiveness.