Overseas Territories Aviation Circulars are issued to provide advice, guidance and information on standards, practices and procedures necessary to support Overseas Territory Aviation Requirements. They are not in themselves law but may amplify a provision of the Air Navigation (Overseas Territories) Order or provide practical guidance on meeting a requirement contained in the Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements.
Article 7 of the Air Navigation (Overseas Territories) Order 2013 requires the Governor to make appropriate arrangements for the provision of search and rescue (SAR) services to civil aviation in accordance with ICAO Annex 12. The Governor has issued a Direction which will direct a person or organisation to secure the provision of a Search and Rescue Service within the Territory for the benefit of civil aviation.
This Circular relates to Article 7 of the AN(OT)O 2013 and the Governor’s Direction made under that provision which gives effect to ICAO Annex 12 Search and Rescue.
Minor editorial changes.
Enquiries regarding the content of this Circular should be addressed to Air Safety Support International at the address on the ASSI website or to the appropriate Overseas Territory Aviation Authority.