Overseas Territories Aviation Circulars are issued to provide advice, guidance and information on standards, practices and procedures necessary to support Overseas Territory Aviation Requirements. They are not in themselves law but may amplify a provision of the Air Navigation (Overseas Territories) Order or provide practical guidance on meeting a requirement contained in the Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements.
Applicants for the issue of an Aerodrome Certificate are required by Air Navigation (Overseas Territories) Order Article 155(2)(d) to have an adequate Aerodrome Manual as a prerequisite to the issue of an Aerodrome Certificate. The Aerodrome Manual is thus of critical importance to the operation of certificated aerodromes. This circular provides guidance on Aerodrome Manuals.
This Circular relates to OTAR Part 139.
Third issue updates external references.
Enquiries regarding the content of this Circular should be addressed to Air Safety Support International at the address on the ASSI website or to the appropriate Overseas Territory Aviation Authority.