This section of the website contains information on safety development, including Safety Management Systems. It is also where you can find safety information like the OT Safety Bulletin, find out about reporting accidents, incidents and occurrences and where we publish our Safety Policy.
Safety Development
Aviation safety has traditionally focused on compliance with regulatory requirements and reacted to undesirable events by prescribing measures to prevent recurrence. A different approach is needed to keep safety risks at an acceptable level as the industry continues to develop.
The performance-based approach engendered by the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) describes safety programmes for States, complemented by safety management systems (SMS) for service providers and operators. This approach is designed to supplement regulatory compliance by the proactive use of best practices.
Safety Policy
Find out more about Air Safety Support International's Safety Policy.
Safety Management Systems
Guidance on Safety Management Systems.
OT Safety Bulletin
This bulletin will be issued biannually and is available free to all email alert subscribers. It aims to provide topics, along with sources of information, for safety meetings, safety development and safety training discussions. It further aims to provide practical guidance on elements of safety management, current safety issues that may affect the aviation community within the UK Overseas Territories (OT) and information on ASSI and the Overseas Territories Aviation Authorities.
ICAO eLibrary
The ICAO eLibrary provides public access to ICAO’s regulations and legal documents in a read-only format, free of charge.
Online reporting system for Anguilla, the British Virgin Islands, Montserrat and St Helena.

Use our online reporting system to make a safety, security or wildlife strike report.
ASSI YouTube Channel
ASSI's YouTube Channel homepage can be found at or search for Air Safety Support International on the YouTube website.