ASSI website changes relating to how to register, certify, operate and maintain an aircraft on a UK Overseas Territory Register
New information is to be made available on the ASSI website entitled 'How to register, certify, operate and maintain an aircraft on a UK Overseas Territory Register'.
This information will provide a guide to:
- the Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements (OTARs) you need to read;
- the Overseas Territories Aviation Circulars (OTACs) you need to read;
- an explanation of the tasks you need to do; and
- links to the ASSI application forms you need to complete.
The links to the OTARs are applicable to all the UK Overseas Territories; however, the processes, procedures and application forms may differ in certain Territories. You are advised to contact the respective Overseas Territory Aviation Authority (OTAA) to ensure you are using the correct processes, procedures and forms.
So what's new?
Instead of spending your time searching different areas of the ASSI website to find the information you need, it will all be in one place!
An example covering 'How to register an aircraft' is provided below and further enhancements will be added over time. Click on the links and try it out! We welcome your feedback in order to enhance the service.
How to register an aircraft
You need to make an application to the OTAA to register the aircraft.
Be aware that you should not request that the aircraft be de-registered from the current state of registry until the OTAA has given written confirmation that the aircraft registration application process in the OTAA is complete and satisfactory. Failure to adhere to this could leave an aircraft stateless, preventing the issue of a Certificate of Airworthiness.
You need to read:
For Anguilla, the British Virgin Islands and Montserrat, you need to complete and submit the following form:
For Bermuda, the Cayman Islands, and the Turks and Caicos Islands, contact the respective OTAA as follows:
- Bermuda Department of Civil Aviation
- Civil Aviation Authority of the Cayman Islands
- Turks and Caicos Islands Civil Aviation Authority
You need to do the following (or as required by your respective OTAA):
- Submit accompanying evidence in order to substantiate the identity of the owner/applicant (passport, driving licence, utility bill etc) a minimum of two forms of documentation are required.
- Provide a legible and notarised certified true copy of the Certificate of Incorporation or similar document that clearly identifies the company name under which the aircraft will be registered.
- Provide a legible and notarised certified true copy of the Territory business licence that clearly identifies the company name under which the aircraft will be registered.
- Provide a list of all the company Directors accompanied by legible and notarised colour copies of all the Directors' passports.
- Provide a certified true copy of the Certificate of Good Standing issued by the Territory's Financial Services Department/Commission.
- Provide a statement that highlights the intentions of the organisation's business activities.
Copy of sale or lease agreement
Documents of purchase, leases, contracts or letters of intent should provide evidence that the applicant is actively procuring aircraft, facilities and services appropriate to the operation proposed.
You need to do the following (or as required by your respective OTAA):
- Provide copies of such agreements. Note: Financial information is not required and can be blocked out.
Mode S and ELT re-programming
The aircraft must be equipped with an ELT capable of transmitting on 406 MHz and must be coded in accordance with ICAO Annex 10 and registered with the agency responsible for maintaining the aircraft register. For operations under OTAR Part 121 or OTAR Part 135, the aircraft must be equipped with a Mode S transponder which shall provide the airborne/on-the-ground status where the aircraft is equipped with an automatic means of detecting such status.
You need to read:
- OTAR Part 91 - General Operating Instructions subpart 91.705 - Emergency locator transmitter.
- OTAR Part 121 - Commercial Air Transport Operations Large Aeroplanes subpart 121.720 - Transponder; or
- OTAR Part 125 - Complex General Aviation including Corporate Operations subpart 121.720 - Transponder; or
- OTAR Part 135 - Commercial Air Transport Operations Helicopters and Small Aeroplanes subpart 135.720 - Transponder.
You need to do the following:
- Contact the OTAA to request a Mode S Transponder code if you are an OTAR Part 121, 125 or 135 operator.
- Visit the Cospas-Sarsat website regarding ELT registration.
Aircraft fireproof plate
The aircraft identification fireproof (data) plate must be installed and correspond to the identity of the aircraft. The plate shall be etched, stamped, or engraved with the aircraft's nationality and registration marks and be affixed to the aircraft in a prominent position near the main point of entrance to the aircraft.
You need to read:
- OTAR 47 - Aircraft Registration and Marking subpart 47.117 - Identification plate.
You need to do the following:
- Ensure the fireproof (data) plate is installed and corresponds to the identity of the aircraft.
ASSI is not responsible for the content of external websites.

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Next Issue
The next issue, Summer 2014, will be focusing on Human Performance so if you have something you wish to contribute or useful sources of information on this subject please submit to: