The following list summarises the main elements needed for an SMS to be developed where required under the Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements (OTARs). More comprehensive guidance is available in an OTAC.
1. Safety Policy
A Safety Policy is a clear statement of the organisation's policy, management principles and intentions, for a continuous process of improvement in the safety level.
2. Objectives for improvement
Planning the safety objectives, and choosing effective methods for safety performance measurement.
3. Roles and responsibilities
Defined in writing for all personnel; and a process for ensuring that everyone is aware of their responsibilities.
4. Identification of hazards
Proactive – an initial hazard identification process; a safety reporting scheme; and safety assessments conducted at regular intervals, and whenever changes are planned.
Reactive – collating information from unsafe condition/error reports and accident and incident reports, and ensuring that the requirements of OTAR Part 13 are met.
5. Risk assessment and mitigation
A method for the analysis of risks, and deciding how these will be mitigated; and ensuring implementation, communication and feedback to staff.
6. Monitoring and evaluation
Conducting reviews or audits of the SMS processes, and applying conventional quality assurance principles, ensuring that remedial actions have been implemented as planned and that the SMS remains effective and relevant to the operation. Reports made to the Accountable Manager to enable management review.
7. Documentation
Documenting all the SMS processes – either as a component of existing manuals or in a separate SMS manual. Include a description of each component of the system and describe the interrelationships between each of these components; and co-ordination with external service providers and contractors, if necessary.
Detailed local procedures in other documents can be cross-referenced, so the SMS manual is likely to be thin.
Documenting the regulations, standards and exemptions by which the organisation is regulated.
Training provisions for all staff, including SMS training.
An emergency response plan, for each location.