Acceptable level of safety performance (ALoSP)
The level of safety performance agreed by State authorities to be achieved for the civil aviation system in a State, as defined in its State Safety Programme, expressed in terms of safety performance targets and safety performance indicators.
Change management
A formal process to manage change within an organisation in a systematic manner, so that changes which may impact on identified hazards and risk mitigation strategies are accounted for, before the implementation of such changes.
A condition or an object with the potential to cause or contribute to an aircraft incident or accident.
Risk mitigation
The process of incorporating defences, preventative controls or recovery measures put in place to prevent the realisation of a hazard or its escalation into an undesirable consequence.
The state in which risks associated with aviation activities, related to or in direct support of the operation of aircraft, are reduced and controlled to an acceptable level.
Safety data
A defined set of facts or a set of safety values collected from various aviation-related sources which is used to maintain or improve safety.
Safety information
Safety data processed, organised or analysed in a given context so as to make it useful for safety management purposes.
Safety management system
A systematic approach to managing safety, including the necessary organisational structures, accountability, responsibilities, policies and procedures.
State safety programme
An integrated set of regulations and activities aimed at improving safety.
Safety oversight
a function performed by a State to ensure that individuals and organisations performing an aviation activity comply with safety-related national laws and regulations.
Safety performance
A State or service provider's safety achievements as defined by its safety performance targets and safety performance indicators.
Safety performance indicator
A data-based parameter used for monitoring and assessing safety performance.
Safety performance target
The State's or service provider's planned or intended target for a safety performance indicator over a given period that aligns with the safety objectives.
Safety risk
The predicted probability and severity of the consequence or outcome of a hazard.
The State activities through which the State proactively verifies through inspections and audits that aviation licence, certificate, authorisation or approval holders continue to meet the established requirements and functions at the level of competency and safety required by the State.
A hand holding soil and a seedling against a blue sky background