
Aircraft nosewheelOn reviewing some safety data there have been a number of tyre-related issues. Be sure to always refer to the manufacturer’s instructions and advice. Pilots should be competent to conduct their walk round inspections to discover any potential issues, and if in any doubt be able to obtain some engineering advice.  Some manufacturers provide general guides that pilots may find useful to refresh their knowledge:





Following some of the incidents it was noted that not all aerodromes provided runway, taxiway or apron inspections; neither did flight crew request these. The hazard of runway FOD (foreign object debris) has led to some very serious air accidents in the past. In the case of tyre incidents, it is likely that FOD caused the issue. It is also likely that tyre incidents themselves will create a FOD hazard so Air Traffic Controllers and aerodrome operations staff should be ready to conduct runway inspections following such incidents and before any other aircraft movement. Flight crew, if not aware that an inspection has been carried out following a tyre incident, should not hesitate in requesting to Air Traffic Control that one be carried out.  


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The next issue will be in January 2016.  If you have something you wish to contribute or useful sources of information please submit to: enquiries@airsafety.aero.